After a tough two-weeks of tryouts, we are pleased to announce the roster of men and women who have made the team for the 2015-16 season. Everyone came to work every day of the tryouts which made the process of cutting the roster to 42 very difficult. Thank you to everyone who tried out this fall! R'Irish!
Abby O'Loughlin
Alex Kruszewski
Belin Mirabile
Diego Arias
Kassandra Boliakis
Lauren Whalen
Mary Katherine Nagengast
Alejandro Anderson
Alex Kiess
Andrew Litteken
Andrew Nemecek
Braeden Benedict
Brennen Roetzel
Chris Ray
Christian McGrew
Cole Grabowski
Colin MacGregor
David Nunes
Eddie Duffy
Evan Gies
Francois Moyo
Frankie Hagan
Gabriel Ostler
Hudson Ozello
James DeMaio
James Driscoll
James Zwierzynski
Joe Gonzales
Joe Orecchio
Jose Armengol
Liam Boll
Matt Piwko
Michael Halder
Nicholas Azar
Nick Battis
Nick Dedo
Nick Kiene
Paul Brunts
Peter Witty
Seamus Long
Seth Tautges
Zach Prephan