Alumni and Friends,
In the next week, Notre Dame has given all organizations on campus a chance to claim a portion of a $1,000,000 fund. This opportunity has been deemed "ND DAY" and will take place between 6:42pm ESTon April 24th and midnight EST on April 25th. Although the event will be live streamed on these two days, the website is now accepting donations! Please visit to learn more and make your donation!
The fundraiser is structured such that for the first $10 donated, the donor receives 5 votes. Each of these votes can be allocated to the organization of your choice. We would love for you to give all five of your votes to Notre Dame Men's Rowing! If you want to donate more than $10, each additional $10 donation will receive one vote. Once the competition is over, we will receive each $10 gift plus the same percentage of the $1 million fund as our percentage of overall votes. Thus, if we receive 2% of the overall votes, we will receive 2% of the $1 million dollars, or $20,000.
We have recently experienced some University (SAO/Rec Sports) policy changes that greatly affect our financial standing. We can no longer stay in host family houses at regattas, and we will need to take buses in lieu of rental cars. These changes will make next year significantly more expensive. Due to these policy changes, a strong showing on ND Day will go a long way to ensure the team has sufficient funding for smooth operation next year. Our goal for ND Day is to make $30,000. This would come from both the percentage we are allocated of the $1 million fund and the $10 donations themselves.
There is also a video competition this year. We have submitted our video in hopes for success in that competition as well. Please share the video on social media to help us get the word out! When anyone uses the hashtag #NDDay on Twitter or Instagram, or posts @ProudtobeND on Facebook, the posts may be featured on the ND Day website. We would love to spread the word about our club and this event as much as possible among alumni and friends!
We wish we could express our gratitude for your continued support in person. Thank you in advance for your help in making this year's ND Day a success for our club!
Joe Boyle- Senior Alumni Officer
Katie Egan + Daara Jalili - Junior Alumni Officers